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타인의 삶 :)

[Kalentieva lrina]의 작품 주제 [여인들]

누보 플라워 앤 테이블 / (구)썬즈플라워 2014. 5. 24. 16:47


-------------------------------------------------본 글은 스크랩해온 글임을 알려드립니다-----------------------------------------




Artist, Kalentieva lrina


'The Morning


'The Needle work


'The Letter


'The Reading Girl


'The Tale For Pussy Cat


Her paintings are full of silent joy energy, happiness, kindness


and comfort , beside that they are quite and perfectly suite to


the interiors.



♥특별한 날 소중한 사람에게 특별한 꽃으로 마음을 표현해보세요♥




누보 플라워 앤 커피 (daum.net)

윤유선(@nouveau_flower_n_coffee) • Instagram 사진 및 동영상



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